MAURICIO NEGRO é Ilustrador, designer, escritor, editor, curador e gestor cultural de projetos relacionados com natureza e sociedade, multiculturalismo e biodiversidade, ancestralidade e contemporaneidade, Quase sempre impregnados de brasilidade.
Paulistano, nascido em 1968, é bacharel em Comunicação Social pela ESPM | USP, com pós-graduação em Gestão Cultural: Cultura, Desenvolvimento e Mercado pelo Centro Universitário Senac SP.
Desde os anos 1990, participa de eventos, catálogos e exposições, tendo recebido diversas certificações nacionais e internacionais. Já publicou na América do Sul, África, Ásia e Europa. É o autor-ilustrador de língua Portuguesa com mais obras selecionadas para o Clube de Leitura ODS da ONU, conforme os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Agenda Global 2030.
NEGRO Design Studio Faz arte, design, ilustração, literatura, conteúdo, consultoria, edição, curadoria e gestão de projetos culturais. Somos um estúdio inspirado pela natureza e pelos povos originários, cosmogonias e alteridades, saberes e expressões tradicionais, ciências e linguagens contemporâneas.
SEDIADO em São Paulo, FUNDado por mauricio negro em 1994, o estúdio está aberto ao mundo, e conta com uma rede de colaboradores de diversas áreas de atuação, acionados conforme cada demanda.
ILUSTRAÇÃO | LITERATURA | CAPA DE LIVRO | CAPA DE CD | DESign e cartaz de cinema | IDENTIDADE | PALESTRAS | EXPOSIÇÕES | CURADORIA | GESTÃO CULTURAL | direção de arte | coordenação editorial | comunicação | Consultoria
MAURICIO NEGRO is a Brazilian illustrator, writer, designer, editor, curator and cultural manager of projects related to nature and society, multiculturalism and identity, ancestry and contemporaneity specially marked by Brazilian nature, landscape and diversity.
born in São Paulo City in 1968 he has a degree in Social Communication from ESPM | usp, with a postgraduate degree in Cultural Management: Culture, Development and Market from Senac SP.
Since the mid-1990s he has received several certifications as well as participating in events, meetings, catalogues and exhibitions in Brazil and abroad.
Since the 1990s he has participated in events, catalogs and exhibitions and has received several national and international certifications. His works have been published in South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. He is the Portuguese-language author-illustrator with the largest number of books selected for the UN SDG Book Club according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for the 2030 Agenda.
NEGRO DESIGN STUDIO Does art, design, illustration, literature, content, consultancy, editing, curation and cultural management. We are a studio inspired by nature and indigenous peoples, cosmogonies and alterities, traditional knowledge and expressions, sciences and contemporary languages.
Headquartered in São Paulo since 1994 the studio is open to the world. We have a network of collaborators from different areas of expertise that are activated according to each demand.
ILLUSTRATION | LITERATURE | BOOK COVER | CD COVER | movie POSTER | TITLE DESIGN | IDENTITY | LECTURES | EXHIBITS | CURATORSHIP | CULTURAL MANAGEMENT | art direction | editorial coordination | communication | Consultancy
2024_1st Akuli Award | National Library Foundation (RJ)
2024_Jabuti Award finalist (young people)
2024_FNLIJ Figueiredo Pimentel Award
2024_Selection Capistas 24–25: 100 reference editorial graphic artists | Seiva
2024_THEME samba-enredo: Tempo de Caju | Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel (RJ)
2023_1st Akuli Award | National Library Foundation (RJ)
2023_3rd Akuli Award | National Library Foundation (RJ)
2023_Best books of the year | 451_The magazine of books
2023_National Prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature finalist (Mozambique)
2022_Selection Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2022_Jabuti Award finalista | children + illustration
2022_AEILIJ Literature Award | set of illustrations
2021_Selection Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2021_Eight Books | UN SDG Book Club
2020_The White Ravens (Germany)
2020_FNLIJ Figueiredo Pimentel Award
2020_FNLIJ 50th Years Commemorative Special Award
2020_One World Music Awards finalist | best cover art (UK)
2020_Brazilian Catalogue | 57th Bologna Children’s Book Fair
2019_Distinction Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2019_Leia para uma Criança | Itaú Social
2019_Jabuti Award finalist (Brazilian Book Abroad)
2018_Editor’s Choice | Children’s Books Ireland Reading Guide
2018_Jabuti Award finalist (illustration + children + print)
2018_30 Best Children’s Book_Pre selection | Crescer magazine
2018_Distinction Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2017_Distinction Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2014_Jabuti Award finalist | illustrated book for children
2013_Jabuti Award | book for children
2013_Jabuti Award finalist | book cover
2012_The Merit Award | Hiii Illustration Competition (China)
2012_Editorial Illustration | XX SIDI Award (Porto Alegre, RS)
2012_Editorial Award finalist | 1ª Bienal CONACULTA (Mexico)
2010_Jabuti Award | didactic and paradidactic
2009_1º CJ Picture Book Festival finalist (South Korea)
2009_22th Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava Catalogue
2008_NOMA Concours Encouragement Prize | UNESCO (Japan)
2007_Honorable Mention | XX SIDI Award (Porto Alegre, RS)
2000_The White Ravens | Special Mention (Germany)
2024_Jabuti Award finalist (young people)
2024_FNLIJ Figueiredo Pimentel Award
2024_Selection Capistas 24–25: 100 reference editorial graphic artists | Seiva
2024_THEME samba-enredo: Tempo de Caju | Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel (RJ)
2023_1st Akuli Award | National Library Foundation (RJ)
2023_3rd Akuli Award | National Library Foundation (RJ)
2023_Best books of the year | 451_The magazine of books
2023_National Prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature finalist (Mozambique)
2022_Selection Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2022_Jabuti Award finalista | children + illustration
2022_AEILIJ Literature Award | set of illustrations
2021_Selection Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2021_Eight Books | UN SDG Book Club
2020_The White Ravens (Germany)
2020_FNLIJ Figueiredo Pimentel Award
2020_FNLIJ 50th Years Commemorative Special Award
2020_One World Music Awards finalist | best cover art (UK)
2020_Brazilian Catalogue | 57th Bologna Children’s Book Fair
2019_Distinction Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2019_Leia para uma Criança | Itaú Social
2019_Jabuti Award finalist (Brazilian Book Abroad)
2018_Editor’s Choice | Children’s Books Ireland Reading Guide
2018_Jabuti Award finalist (illustration + children + print)
2018_30 Best Children’s Book_Pre selection | Crescer magazine
2018_Distinction Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2017_Distinction Award | Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio
2014_Jabuti Award finalist | illustrated book for children
2013_Jabuti Award | book for children
2013_Jabuti Award finalist | book cover
2012_The Merit Award | Hiii Illustration Competition (China)
2012_Editorial Illustration | XX SIDI Award (Porto Alegre, RS)
2012_Editorial Award finalist | 1ª Bienal CONACULTA (Mexico)
2010_Jabuti Award | didactic and paradidactic
2009_1º CJ Picture Book Festival finalist (South Korea)
2009_22th Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava Catalogue
2008_NOMA Concours Encouragement Prize | UNESCO (Japan)
2007_Honorable Mention | XX SIDI Award (Porto Alegre, RS)
2000_The White Ravens | Special Mention (Germany)

Epa Bàbá, OxalufÃ!